Results 11



Bulk Search Results

Indigenous, languages, map, Inuit, First Nations, Metis


Mapping Indigenous languages in Canada

See where 60 languages belonging to 12 language families are being used right now

  • 554 words
  • 3 minutes
Future of Michif program launch Gilles Gagnier Sherry Soll Glen McCallum

People & Culture

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan, Canadian Geographic launch program to revive the Michif language

The Future of Michif program aims to inspire the next generation of Métis to learn their traditional language and educate Canadians on Métis history and culture

  • 423 words
  • 2 minutes

People & Culture

Why Indigenous languages matter

Multilingualism is at the heart of Canada‘s identity. It’s also a matter of decency and human rights. 

  • 1138 words
  • 5 minutes